Sunday, November 7, 2010

Busy Day

Today was a rough day and we had lots going on.First I was at Panera Bread with my two cousins Grace and Gracie plus my Grandma and my uncle and aunt.Then I went to my brother's game with my Mom and Nana.After that I went to see the movie Secretariat with my friend Natalie,my Nana,and her friend Jhon.It is the best movie ever.And finally I went home.I played fetch with Leo and then went into my bedroom and me and Leo wrestled over the tennis ball even though I really didn't want the ball I just wanted to see what he would do. And let me tell you he got a couple laughs out of me.Now me and him are just layin on my bed writing this article.So I am going to tell you this is the l0ngest article I have wrote yet on this blog.So I hope you are reading this cause this has a lot of information. Ok well I have to go so I guess I have to say good bye for now.Just a suggestion you should see Secretariat.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

OH Leo

So we took Leo to the vet this year,we had to bring a sample of his poo.But it was for a good cause. We found out that he had worms in his poo.I had no idea! And then
a few months later I stepped in some poo.
It was disgusting.Leo saw it, it was so embarrasing. But Celeste, our babysitter
from africa came to visit and when Leo saw here he went pssssssssssssssssss all
over again. OK that is it BYE.
Leo says bye too.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Recently we went camping at Red River Gorge.It was a lot of fun there, and we brought Leo. It was a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The most fun I had was hiking with Leo and my family. But eventually we had to go. It stunk that we had to leave so quickly. So now we are home and having fun. And me and Leo are happy.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Leo escapes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night when are babysitter was here and my mom and dad were gone.Leo escaped.We had no clue that he was gone.A few hours later I said"I am going to let Leo in."So I went out and I could not see him but I heard him. I grabbed my boots,a coat,and a flash light and there he was outside the gate just sitting there whining,well whimpering.I let him in and cooled him off.THE END!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My B-day party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On August 28th,2009,I had a dog themed B-day party. I asked all my friends to bring their dog if they had one.We dressed are dogs and had a cake that had a picture of Leo on it. The party was a blast!The dogs that were tere were Dudley,Toby,Hershey,Leo,Buster
,and Harber.Also,in this picture Harber is almost ready for the dog fashion show.


Today we are making a chocolate banana smoothie,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,of course with Leo around he is going to lick up whatever we,well,me and some of my family members like,my Mom,my 2 little sisters,Maura and Frances,and my little brother Jude spill.The recipe is:1 banana,1 tablespoon of chocolate syrup,2 cups of milk.
We had so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P.S. my little sister,Maura,liked it the best.And did I mention Leo liked it also!!!!!!!!!Hahahaha.

Its Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is Saturday and it's the begining of a newn day!!Today me and Leo were thinking about going to the dog park.Then we are probablly going to play tug-a-war for an hour or so.And then go out for a walk,and I have to tell you things do not look pretty when it comes to a walk,then we are going to watch a movie,for instens Star Wars. Then we are going to go to sleep for the night. And thats are scedule for the day......